Sunday, November 23, 2014

About this Blog

This blog, co-written with my wife Tina, is an opportunity to share with you how much fun life can be if we make healthier choices.

I was born with a serious congenital heart defect. I only had a single functioning ventricle. I lived life on essentially half a heart. I underwent numerous surgeries as an infant and teenager to keep me alive. After 36 years, I underwent a life changing heart transplant. For the first time in my life I knew what it was like to have a normal, 4-chamber heart. Living a healthy life is very important to me and I know it's important to you.

My wife, Tina Cardall, was recruited by Morgan Stanley right after graduating with a finance degree to work on Wall Street. She left New York City after 9/11 to become a Certified Personal Trainer, nutritional expert, and overall health nut. She worked at Saddleback Church on the Daniel Plan with Pastor Rick Warren, Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Mehmet Oz, and Dr. Daniel Amen and his wife Tana. She currently works as a professional brain healthy Lifestyle Coach on Dr. Amen's Brain Fit Life website.

1 comment:

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