Monday, December 29, 2014

Resolutions That Work All Year Long

It’s that time of year when many people set themselves up for unrealistic goals regarding health & fitness and New Year’s resolutions. So many of us start a crash diet or join a gym, only to find out that after a couple of weeks they give up. Why not make this year different and start with a simpler and more practical approach that you’ll actually stick with all year long.

Here are some of my simple suggestions to creating a more manageable and attainable resolution. All of these practical and effective ideas will get you one step closer to looking and feeling better.

  • Bring your food to work to ensure portion control and to know exactly how many calories and what ingredients you’re eating.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.
  • Use the buddy system for your workouts. You are far more likely to work out if you know someone else is relying on you.
  •  Find a new activity. Instead of forcing yourself to log endless hours on the treadmill, decide that you will only participate in fitness activities you’ll enjoy: like dancing, ice-skating, marital arts or a group fitness class.
  • Join a forum to become more motivated.
  • Start a food journal. I log every bite I take in my Fitbit, regardless if I’m looking to lose weight or just maintain. Studies show people who write things down-from what they eat, to how they feel before and after exercise, are more likely to stick to a new healthy living plan.
  • Eliminate all simple carbs like white flour, white sugar, white rice and white potatoes. Replace them with whole grains, quinoa, stevia, brown rice and sweet potatoes.
  • Set realistic goals that will let you become your own cheerleader and that you’ll continue all year long. Instead of shooting to lose 50 pounds, have a goal of losing 15 pounds at a time.
  • Make time for you! Start making yourself a priority. Let people around you know that you’re making permanent lifestyle changes and ask them for their support, or ask your significant other to clean up the kitchen so you can go to the gym or go for a walk.
  • Drink more water. Good hydration is essential for good health. You should drink a minimum of six to eight 8-ounce glasses of filtered water every day. Often we feel hungry when we are actually thirsty.
  • Get your Zzz’s. Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your hormones, weight, mind, and more.
  • Reward yourself.  It’s important to recognize your achievements regardless how big or small. After one week of success treat yourself to a spa treatment or a movie, not a dessert. If you do fall off the wagon, don’t punish yourself. Just get back up and start again.

If you’re new to exercise, it’s a good idea to hire a trainer for a few sessions to get you started on the right track and help you set realistic goals. Studies have shown that people who are new to exercise do better when they have some professional help. If you can’t afford to hire a trainer for regular sessions, it’s still a good idea to pay for a session or two when you begin an exercise routine.

My Go-To “Slim-Down Smoothie”

Graze during the day, don't gorge. Studies have shown that smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day will speed up your metabolism. Try one of my Go-to shakes that’s loaded with nutrients – like protein, healthy fats and lots of fiber. Keep in mind, the more fiber you eat, the fuller you’ll feel, which means you’ll eat less and feel satisfied.

Very Berry Smoothie

½ cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (sweetened with stevia)
¼ cup frozen raspberries
¼ cup frozen strawberries
¼ cup frozen blueberries
1 handful of raw organic spinach
½ cup filtered water

Combine all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth.

Nutritional Info Per Serving:
195 calories
1.2 g total fat
60 mg sodium
42 g total carb
27 g protein
5.4 g fiber


  1. During 2014 I seemed to get a little off track. I am enjoying your new blog and it gives me great ideas to help get me back on track for 2015. The smoothie recipe sounds yummy and will definitely be in my list of things to make in the new year.

  2. Hi Cindy! Thanks for your message and for reading my blog. We all have times in our lives when we get off track, but what's important is to get right back on. Remember, it's never a diet, it's a lifestyle change. You're going to love my smoothie recipe. It's one of many I make daily. It's so easy to make, delicious and so good for us. Plus it's low in calorie and very satisfying. If you're like me and like sweet things, add a little sprinkle of KAL stevia to the smoothie mix. Good luck and Happy New Year!

  3. Tina - love this site! Perfect! See you in May in Slovenia!
